Tag: Spain

Cooking up the right words: hints, tips and tricks for successful food translation

14 October 2022

METM22It is hard to imagine two things more intimately tied than language and food. Not just because they both require our mouths and tongues and involve our emotions, but because they are two fundamental, defining aspects of the culture of a people. Translating food therefore poses some particularly demanding challenges that call for highly transcreative, outside-the-box thinking.

Participants will take an analytical and critical look at some material from menus and cookbooks. The examples used refer to Italian cuisine, partly because it is so well known internationally and partly because this is the food the facilitator is most familiar with. They will mostly be in English, although some Italian will inevitably creep in.

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The stink of machine translation

Listen to Lisa Agostini’s interview of me talking about my presentation. Thanks to MET and Julian Mayers (Yada Yada) per their permission to post the interview here.

Post-editors are asked to do either light post-editing, to get rid of the worst machine translation errors, or full post-editing, to bring the output up to the same standard as human translation.

But is full post-editing in reality a pipe dream?

The speaker has conducted an experiment for two years running with groups of postgraduate university students in which half do an unaided human translation and the other half post-edit machine translation output. Comparison of the texts produced shows that certain turns of phrase, expressions and choices of words occur with greater frequency in the post-edited machine translation output than they do in human translation. This is easily explained by the fact that even neural machine translation systems seem to choose the most statistically frequent solutions even when those solutions occur less frequently than the sum of the frequencies of all the other possible solutions, and post-editors faced with an acceptable solution tend not to edit it. This however implies that post-edited machine translation output, on average, lacks the variety and inventiveness of human translation, and therefore does not in fact reach the same standard. It is evident that the additional post-editing effort required to eliminate what are effectively machine translation markers would nullify most, if not all, of the time and cost-saving advantages of post-edited machine translation. On the other hand, failure to eradicate these markers may eventually lead to lexical and syntactic impoverishment of the target language.

The speaker provides examples of post-editing and translation from English into Italian. However, with the aid of some back-translations, the mechanisms at play should be equally clear to non-Italian speakers, particularly if they are familiar with other Neo-Latin languages.

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Transcreation: when simple translation is not enough

Michael Farrell sets about establishing what transcreation actually involves by analysing how it differs from other language services, such as localization and traditional translation, and provides a little background and history of the term. He then goes on to perform a Gedankenexperiment to look at what the layman, including potential clients, might think transcreation actually is. Primarily, however, the main purpose of the presentation is to unmask the closet transcreators among the attendees through a group therapy approach and encourage them to admit publicly to their repressed true nature in the interest of their health, well-being, and possibly even their bank balances.

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The Web’s the Limit with IntelliWebSearch (Almost) Unlimited

Translators often need to check large numbers of terms on the Internet as efficiently as possible. Without the right tool, this entails repeatedly copying terms, opening your browser, pasting terms into search boxes, setting search parameters, clicking buttons, copying solutions, returning to Wordfast and pasting the terms found. Are you tired already?

IntelliWebSearch semi-automates the terminology search process so your task can be completed more rapidly and effortlessly. This brief presentation will show IntelliWebSearch’s basic features to see how it can be used to speed up and simplify terminology searches.

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Solving terminology problems more quickly with IntelliWebSearch (Almost) Unlimited

METM16Workshop divided into two parts. The first part takes a look at IntelliWebSearch 5 straight out of the box to see how it can be used to speed up and simplify terminology searches on the Internet. All the basic functions will be illustrated together with some of the most used program settings that can be adjusted to tweak the tool’s default behaviour.

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Solving terminology problems more quickly with IntelliWebSearch

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Optimal Internet search techniques: implementing them through IntelliWebSearch

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