Category: Internet search techniques for translators and interpreters

The Web’s the Limit with IntelliWebSearch (Almost) Unlimited

Translators often need to check large numbers of terms on the Internet as efficiently as possible. Without the right tool, this entails repeatedly copying terms, opening your browser, pasting terms into search boxes, setting search parameters, clicking buttons, copying solutions, returning to Wordfast and pasting the terms found. Are you tired already?

IntelliWebSearch semi-automates the terminology search process so your task can be completed more rapidly and effortlessly. This brief presentation will show IntelliWebSearch’s basic features to see how it can be used to speed up and simplify terminology searches.

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The Web’s the Limit with IntelliWebSearch (Almost) Unlimited

Translators often need to check large numbers of terms on the Internet as efficiently as possible. Without the right tool, this entails repeatedly copying terms, opening your browser, pasting terms into search boxes, setting search parameters, clicking buttons, copying solutions, returning to Wordfast and pasting the terms found. Are you tired already?

IntelliWebSearch semi-automates the terminology search process so your task can be completed more rapidly and effortlessly. This brief presentation will show IntelliWebSearch’s basic features to see how it can be used to speed up and simplify terminology searches.

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Alla scoperta di IntelliWebSearch

Il workshop è articolato in due parti. La prima parte prende in esame IntelliWebSearch “così com’è di default” per vedere come può essere utilizzato per velocizzare e semplificare la ricerca terminologica in Internet. Saranno illustrate tutte le funzioni di base insieme ad alcune delle impostazioni del programma che possono essere regolate per ottimizzare il comportamento dello strumento.
Nella seconda parte, analizzeremo i problemi affrontati dai traduttori e dagli interpreti durante una tipica giornata di lavoro e ci occuperemo di come IntelliWebSearch può essere utilizzato per memorizzare impostazioni standard ed effettuare ricerche adeguate, letteralmente alla pressione di un tasto (tasto di scelta rapida). L’intero workshop, dall’inizio alla fine, prevede esercizi pratici sull’utilizzo, personalizzazione, e configurazione di IntelliWebSearch 5.

IntelliWebSearch gets Christmassy with AITI Marche

IntelliWebSearch with AITI Marche

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IntelliWebSearch: helping you speed up terminology searches

Translators often need to check large numbers of terms on the Internet as efficiently as possible. Without the right tool, this entails repeatedly copying terms, opening your browser, pasting terms into search boxes, setting search parameters, clicking buttons, copying solutions, returning to Wordfast and pasting the terms found. Are you tired already?

IntelliWebSearch semi-automates the terminology search process so your task can be completed more rapidly and effortlessly. This brief presentation will show IntelliWebSearch’s basic features to see how it can be used to speed up and simplify terminology searches.

A cluster of ITI IntelliWebSearcher's at the Transcluster, UCL

ITI IntelliWebSearchers at the Transcluster, UCL

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Imparare a usare IntelliWebSearch per velocizzare le ricerche terminologiche

Il workshop è articolato in due parti. La prima parte prende in esame IntelliWebSearch “così com’è di default” per vedere come può essere utilizzato per velocizzare e semplificare la ricerca terminologica in Internet. Saranno illustrate tutte le funzioni di base insieme ad alcune delle impostazioni del programma che possono essere regolate per ottimizzare il comportamento dello strumento.

Nella seconda parte, analizzeremo i problemi affrontati dai traduttori e dagli interpreti durante una tipica giornata di lavoro e vedremo come usare IntelliWebSearch per memorizzare impostazioni standard ed effettuare ricerche adeguate, letteralmente alla pressione di un tasto (tasto di scelta rapida). L’intero workshop, dall’inizio alla fine, prevede esercizi pratici sull’utilizzo, personalizzazione, e configurazione di IntelliWebSearch 5.

IntelliWebSearch marathon crowd

IntelliWebSearch with AITI Lazio

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IntelliWebSearch: a software tool for interpreters, editors and terminologists

Presentation during the Translating Europe Workshop, “The New Translator. Current Trends and Future Perspectives” at the IULM University in Milan (Italy).

The entire workshop was streamed live over the Internet and later posted on YouTube. Watch the IntelliWebSearch presentation in English.

The University also posted a short interview on IntelliWebSearch in Italian.

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Solving terminology problems more quickly with IntelliWebSearch (Almost) Unlimited

METM16Workshop divided into two parts. The first part takes a look at IntelliWebSearch 5 straight out of the box to see how it can be used to speed up and simplify terminology searches on the Internet. All the basic functions will be illustrated together with some of the most used program settings that can be adjusted to tweak the tool’s default behaviour.

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IntelliWebSearch 5 (Specific search techniques and settings)

IAPTI WebinarsOn-line training course covering the main features of IntelliWebSearch Version 5 and how to set the software up to solve some of the most frequently occurring search problems.

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IntelliWebSearch 5 (main features and practical use)

IAPTI WebinarsOn-line training course covering the main features of IntelliWebSearch Version 5 and how to set the software up to solve some of the most frequently occurring search problems.

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Alla scoperta di IntelliWebSearch

AITI Event

Il workshop è articolato in due parti. La prima parte prende in esame IntelliWebSearch “così com’è di default” per vedere come può essere utilizzato per velocizzare e semplificare la ricerca terminologica in Internet. Saranno illustrate tutte le funzioni di base insieme ad alcune delle impostazioni del programma che possono essere regolate per ottimizzare il comportamento dello strumento.

AITI Workshop

AITI Lombardia with IntelliWebSearch.


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