Tag: Webinar

Cooking up the right words

Spotlight on specialization: a three-part medley

It is hard to imagine two things more intimately tied than language and food. Not just because they both require our mouths and tongues and involve our emotions, but because they are two fundamental, defining aspects of the culture of a people. Translating food therefore poses some particularly demanding challenges that call for highly transcreative, outside-the-box thinking. Michael will give some practical examples of how to tackle this task on the menu and in the cookbook.

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Il legame culturale tra lingua, cucina e popolo

TranslatingEurope Workshop 2020

Anche se la definizione di cultura varia, sia la lingua che la cucina normalmente appaiono fra i fattori distintivi. Dunque, il nesso fra le due cose è di fatto inestricabilmente radicato nella cultura di un popolo. L’importanza di una lingua comune per unire un popolo fu sentita dai padri fondatori dell’Italia unita, che non persero tempo nell’imporre l’italiano come lingua nazionale. Oggi si può affermare che, almeno per quanto riguarda la lingua, il processo di unificazione è riuscito, ma non si può dire altrettanto per la cucina: i diversi piatti della cucina italiana hanno ancora forti connotazioni regionali.

Forse non tutti gli italiani, però, sanno che anche la lingua inglese non è monolitica in cucina: ci sono numerosissime differenze lessicali fra l’inglese britannico e quello americano.

La presentazione in oggetto analizza le problematiche che nascono da queste premesse.

Guardare la registrazione.

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The conspicuous translator

at METM Revisited

Is it ever our moral duty to stick out like a sore thumb?

Virtually all professional translators are told at some point in their career that they should strive to be invisible in order to produce faithful renditions, and some theorists even go as far as considering translator’s notes to be a sign of defeat. However, the speaker believes that there are some circumstances when the best way to remain invisible in the eyes of the reader is actually to go beyond a simple note and ask the author straight out to consider rewriting the original to fit the translation.

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Website creation and cultural customization

Editors and translators may wish to create and run websites to promote their own professional services or may want to provide copywriting, localization and editing services directly in their clients’ content management systems. This workshop offers practical knowledge on how to do this.

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IntelliWebSearch 5 (Specific search techniques and settings)

IAPTI WebinarsOn-line training course covering the main features of IntelliWebSearch Version 5 and how to set the software up to solve some of the most frequently occurring search problems.

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IntelliWebSearch 5 (main features and practical use)

IAPTI WebinarsOn-line training course covering the main features of IntelliWebSearch Version 5 and how to set the software up to solve some of the most frequently occurring search problems.

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Using IntelliWebSearch v. 5 to its fullest extent – 3 part course

An exclusive 3-part on-line training course covering everything you need to know about IntelliWebSearch v. 5, aka “IntelliWebSearch (Almost) Unlimited”. IntelliWebSearch can greatly accelerate your translation speed by locating definitions, identifying prevalent usage or looking for existing translations on the web. Learn how to get the best out of this software by attending our 3-part video course with the developer Michael Farrell as your trainer.

Part 1: What is IntelliWebSearch 5 (basic features)? Adding on-line resources using the Quick Wizard.

Part 2: Specific search techniques; adding specific search settings using the Quick Wizard.

Part 3: Adding on-line resources using the Step-by-Step Wizard and adding local dictionaries manually; further features; tweaking program settings.

“The basics” explains what IntelliWebSearch Version 5 does, deals with its basic features and shows how it can be used to speed up and simplify terminology searches on the Internet. It also illustrates how to add simple search settings using the Quick Wizard.

“Practical use” looks at the typical problems translators and interpreters have to face during their working day and explains how IntelliWebSearch Version 5 can be used to save standard settings and perform appropriate searches literally at the press of a button (keyboard shortcut).

“Customizing settings” looks at how to add and customize settings for on-line resources using the Step-by-Step Wizard and how to add settings for simple local dictionaries. It also gives a broad overview of some of the advanced features and a few tweaking hints.

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Creating a Client Satisfaction Survey for Your Translation Business

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IntelliWebSearch: Curso a distancia por e-learning

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